We are a team of Second year Architects studying at the University of Dundee. This blog archives our daily tasks and process of building a shelter in Dundee's Botanic Gardens.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Freaky Friday

It was a mad day today as everyone was running around trying to get everything finished. The elements of the roof were cut in the workshop and the bench was constructed. On site the battery's for the drill failed us once again and James showed us how he could use sheer brute force to drill holes into the timber.....

Thankfully the tools in the workshop weren't relying on batteries so lots more could be done and the sheet metal for the roof was cut. 

Its an 8am start at the Botanics and a 9am start in the studio tomorrow, however transport for the materials left in the studios overnight has not been sorted so the Point group will be wandering down Perth road on Saturday carrying a roof and large bits of timber. If anyone in the vicinity fancy's giving us a hand there is a bottle of wine in it for you! Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get a little more shelter and a little less frame on the ground .....

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