We are a team of Second year Architects studying at the University of Dundee. This blog archives our daily tasks and process of building a shelter in Dundee's Botanic Gardens.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Saturday Shivers

We were all feeling the cold yesterday at the Botanics with many of us losing the feeling in our toes. Spirits were lifted when the lunch list was taken and thanks to our friends at the golden arches we got free cheeseburgers! James was on top form with his rendition of "shame shame shame" receiving only minor abuse from the rest of the group.

The boys were feeling adventurous, braving severe heights to get the frame screwed together....

We got the majority of the cladding done and the roof was under construction, even if there were a few flaws......

The cold left us feeling numb, however after the realisation that the studios shut at 5pm on a Saturday there was a mad dash to the studios to take all the materials we were storing out. We were very lucky Mike had his car parked just off site, all the materials were then moved to my flat. By the end of the day we were all feeling a lot like this......

Setting our alarms for 6am was painful, but we are all excited to see the finished project!

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